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Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd ensures complaints are handled timeously and in a fair manner as it has implemented effective systems and procedures to achieve this.
Applicable legislation:
What is a complaint?
A complaint for purposes of this document means an expression of dissatisfaction by a person to or to the knowledge of Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd or to Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd’s service provider or representative relating to financial service rendered or offered alleging that Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd or its service providers or representatives:
Complaints which do not satisfy the above definition will not necessarily follow the procedure outlined in this document.
Applicable scope:
This document applies to all subsidiaries and affiliates of the Capta Group.
A complaint may be lodged in the manner described below.
How to lodge a complaint:
Clients may complain in writing by:
Hand delivered letter: Pin Oak House, 2nd Floor, Bally Oaks Office Park, Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston, 2191.
The complaint must contain the following information:
Clients may not complain by telephone. We urge clients to, where possible, submit their complaint in writing (via email or hand delivered) to ensure all complaints are properly understood and speedily dealt with.
Receipt of a Complaint:
Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd will confirm receipt of a complaint to the complainant within a reasonable period (48 hours) of receipt with a complaint reference number. Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd, based on the nature of the complaint, will conduct a detailed investigation. The estimated time to resolve the complaint will be communicated to the complainant, but depending on the complexity of the complaint, this may not always be possible.
Resolution of Complaint:
Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd will endeavour to resolve all complaints received in a timely and fair manner.
Complaint resolved in favour of complainant: A full and appropriate level of redress will be offered in writing as soon as reasonably possible.
Complaint not resolved in favour of complainant: Capta Wealth (Pty) Ltd will inform the complainant with the reasons therefore along with the details of escalation and further steps available to the complainant, such as referral to the FAIS Ombud or other relevant adjudicator if the complainant wishes to pursue the complaint further, together with the contact details of such adjudicator; and that it should be done within 6 months of receipt of such notification.
© 2025 CAPTA Wealth